This month our friends at ArcLife Installs are back to educate us on how home automation can save us energy and money! With the election around the corner, you’ve no doubt heard the focus on climate change and going green.

Well here’s a great start!

How can home automation help you save energy and money?

There are lots of ways to save energy in the home, and lots of ways to do it yourself. Smart home automation can take your energy saving upgrades to the next level, and working with a Home Automation Integrator to plan your system will help you maximize the benefits.

Smart Thermostats

A smart thermostat keeps your home at the right temperature year-round without wasting energy or money. You can even get a rebate from Energy Efficiency Alberta on the purchase of a new smart thermostat.

LED Bulbs and Fixtures

LED lighting uses less energy than traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. They also have a better quality of light and a wider range of options to suit every application. A longer lifespan than traditional lighting means the cost over time is less, for both the product and energy used.

Lighting Controls

Both indoor and outdoor lighting can be programmed to work on your schedule. Dimmers, timers and occupancy sensors can be combined to save energy and cut costs.

Motorized Window Coverings

Smart shades help you optimize natural lighting in your home, reducing the need to turn on lights indoors.

Schedule a motorized shade to help you wake up without the irritation of an alarm. Combine this programming with an LED fixture to get the same effect in winter or anytime you have to wake up before the sun.

Programmed schedules maximize sunshine in winter while keeping your house warmer, and keep heat out in the summer without removing the view.

Light filtering and blackout shades can be combined to optimize multi-purpose room use – we don’t always have the space for a dedicated theatre room but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a proper space for it, or maximize energy efficiency.

Smart Power Strips

Many electronics use power even when turned off such as TVs, computers, battery chargers and exercise equipment. Did you know that phantom loads from equipment that is turned off can account for as much as 15% of your total energy bill? Even if you could conveniently reach all of the plugs in your home, do you have the time to go around unplugging everything when it’s not in use? Smart power strips can be programmed to shut off and save energy without the hassle of unplugging all of your devices.

A full automation system is not required to get the convenience and energy saving benefits of automation. You can start with a single remote, camera, fixture or shade. Determining how you use your space and planning with an integrator is key to optimizing your home and your budget.

Contact Laura at ArcLife today for a free consultation to discuss how we can help make your home more energy efficient!