Gifting goes hand in hand with appreciation. Who doesn’t want to be appreciated?

I’ve incorporated gifting into my business in many ways and I have seen great results.

This month we have a guest blog from Kari Kershaw of Kre8tive Karma Gift Baskets. Kre8tive Karma is more than just a gift basket company, they are my business partner. The one I can count on to look after my customers, referral partners, and even family and friends.

Kari talks about the psychology behind gifting, and the little things that go a long way.


A little generosity goes a long way–and makes your customers want to reciprocate

A generous spirit can do wonders for your business and even your career. Here’s why: Generosity demonstrates to others your values and makes people want to reciprocate.

People like receiving gifts. It makes them feel good. When they get those warm fuzzies from you, they’ll associate good things with you. That goes a long way in business by building rapport and trust.

I always send a gift to anyone who referred me business, whether that business closed or not. If someone took the time to recommend my company and that referral reached me, I always acknowledge it. It can be a nice box of chocolates, a bottle of wine or even just a handwritten thank you note.

It always surprises me how thrilled people are that I took the time to acknowledge the referral. The simple act of showing appreciation can start a flywheel effect and drive more and more referrals and business to you.

One of those referrers explained it to me over coffee one day: “It’s not so much the gift itself, but that you think to send one at all. You take the time to show you are grateful for the recommendation I made, and that indicates to me that you will have the same caring and respectful approach with the referrals I send your way.” He added that “a gift shows him that someone is the kind of person he wants to do business with.”

The Right Gift Reflects Well on Your Brand

giftingMy mother taught me that if you’re going to give a gift (of any kind), make sure it’s a good one. I learned from her that “good” in this context doesn’t necessarily mean expensive. Simply, it means that you put effort into pairing the gift with the person. It might take some thought, but it’s worth it and sends a very positive message about your brand.

It always means a lot to me when people give me gifts that they know I will genuinely enjoy. Something that reflects who I am. Like quality coffee or local art.

So, put some thought into it. Not what’s the most expensive, but hits the right note in terms of who the recipient is and what they value. Not all your clients may appreciate expensive wine and cheese.

Great gifts don’t just reflect well on business brands, they also reflect well on your personal brand.

I once met with a woman to discuss networking opportunities and her business plan. Afterwards, she sent me organic dog treats as a thank you. She remembered that somewhere in our conversation I had mentioned how passionate I was about my two dogs. I loved the gift and was impressed that she took the time to thank me in such a thoughtful, perceptive way–in effect; she communicated her personal “brand.”

I now attend this woman-networking group, and one of the reasons is because that gift demonstrated to me that she listened and that our conversation was valuable to her.

Gifting is a Good Way to Reconnect or Stay Connected

In many professions, networking and staying in touch is crucial. Gift giving is a great way to do just that.

Try to keep track of meaningful times in your customers and client’s lives. A new baby, a marriage or an anniversary, for example. And of course the holidays are great for marking the end of a good business year and the beginning of a new one.

It’s also a good idea to celebrate business milestones, like closing a deal, meeting a goal or delivering on hard-to-reach results. Recognizing these moments and making them a priority with an appreciation gift will serve you well in future business.

Every year tap into your customers and clients. Pick a thoughtful unique holiday gift for them such as a local box of chocolates, a bottle of wine or gift basket. Many of our customers reach out and reconnect in return, and that feels good–and helps solidify our relationship.

When you’re choosing a gift for a customer or client, think about what they would really appreciate. Start thinking about how you can show your appreciation and gratitude toward people with whom you do business. Thoughtful gifts deliver a better ROI than almost anything else in business.

Thanks again to Kari of Kre8tive Karma, for the reminder that gifting can be an excellent way to connect, reconnect and build relationships. It’s not how much you spend that matters, it’s about ensuring it’s thoughtful.

Check out their website for beautiful gift ideas. With Mother’s day coming up, I’m sure Kari can whip you up a perfect gift for your mom too!