Would you consider yourself to be a connector? I don’t know about you, but I’m always talking to clients about putting their “dream team” together. From the moment we have that initial “pre-approval” conversation, I convey how important it is to have the right professionals in place. I start thinking about who I can connect them with to help ease the stress of the entire home buying process.

Do you have a Dream Team for your business?

The professionals we recommend to clients, are a reflection on us. If a client has a bad experience with a Home Inspector I recommend, how does that make them feel about me and my business?

How do you vet the professionals that you recommend? For me it’s as much about the WAY they do business as it is about HOW they do business.

Let me clarify. When I say the “way” they do business, I’m talking about integrity, knowledge and experience. Are they licensed or certified, if required in their profession? Do they have the industry experience to add value for the client, or did they just start their business yesterday? Giving someone who is new to their industry a chance is a fantastic opportunity for that professional, but will it be good for your client?

When I talk about the “how”, I’m referring to their personality and manner with clients. For me this means they are professional but personable, with a clear focus on customer service and ensuring the transaction goes as smoothly for the client as possible.

Do they have the systems and processes in place to ensure that balls don’t get dropped and clients are kept up-to-date? I also like to ensure I’m educating clients so finding professionals who do the same is important to me.

Basically, I want them to treat the client the same way I would. If the client is comfortable with how I do business, I know they’ll be comfortable with my network of professionals.

What happens when things go wrong?

All of this being said, we all know that so many things are out of our control. My single biggest requirement from anyone I refer is that they communicate and set expectations. If we are doing our jobs, and ensuring everyone is kept in the loop, clients are rarely disappointed, even when things do’t go the way they expected.

Not every client can get approved for the mortgage amount they want. Not every family will find the home they’re looking for in their budget. Not every property should pass the home inspection. With clear communication, a mortgage pre-approval may turn into a two year plan to build credit so they can get approved. Or maybe it’s a conversation about expectations for a property that may/may not be able to be met.

Regardless, I refer professionals I trust to have these conversations. To communicate effectively. To follow-up, no matter how long it takes to get answers. The professionals that make me and my business look good.

So what does it mean to be a connector?

I set out years ago to wrap my arms around my clients. To be the person that they go to when they “need a guy”. It was my goal to encourage my clients to think of me when they needed anything for their home. This means not just during the transaction or related to their mortgage, but in the course of being a homeowner.

From life insurance to renovations to buying a car, I get messages from clients all the time asking to be introduced to a professional in my network. It’s important to me to not just have “a” professional to refer them to. I want to refer a reliable, honest professional that will get the job done, and do it well. Someone I know, like and trust.

I’ve even gone so far as to create a list of professions that I have connections to that I give to my clients. Not only am I able to provide value to my clients beyond a mortgage, but I am able to give quality, local business owners an opportunity for business.

If you’d like to see the full listing, click the following link – Professional Service Providers.

I love being a connector. It’s good for my soul and it’s good for my business!