This topic has come up a few times lately. I have to admit, it’s been awhile since anyone had talked about it with any significance. But, in the last month alone, I’ve had two colleagues say that they’re going door knocking with Realtors in their network – wow!

I had also just read this article from as well – Door knocking for real estate professionals: What do I say? Coincidence or is the universe trying to tell me something?

Is door knocking making a come back, or have I been missing something over the past few years?

Well I have to say, these Realtor/Mortgage Broker teams have it right. It’s a lot more comfortable going door knocking when you’re not going alone, at least it would be for me. Not only is there the whole “comfort zone” issue, but there’s also safety and I don’t think we thoroughly think the later through.

You know the old premise behind networking: the more people you meet the more opportunities you have to do business.The stats in the article shouldn’t surprise anyone. The conversion rate isn’t as high as other forms of marketing, for sure. Does that mean you shouldn’t do it? Should it be a tool in our toolkit when we need to drive business?

What I really like about it were the tips they gave to plant seeds in homeowners’ minds like:

  • “Municipal assessments will be out soon; do you need any help ensuring that your assessments are fair?”
  • “The market has changed; would you like to see a current assessment of how much your home is worth?” They will either say yes or no but not to worry. It won’t be your last chance to plant the seeds.
  • At the end, you can ask, “Would it be okay if I kept in touch with you to let you know about any new listings or sales in the neighbourhood?” The person will more than likely agree, and you can get their contact information.

The last one is a great way to add people to your contact list. As they say in marketing, this gives you an opportunity to “drip on them” over time – ie. add them to your newsletter (email or snail mail) etc.

Is fear getting in your way when it comes to exploring other opportunities for getting business? It may be for me!

If you want to try your hand at door knocking and need a buddy, give me a shout! I’d love to schedule some time to support you and try my hand at something well outside of my comfort zone!