Client appreciation events can be a cost-effective way to stay in contact with the people they know and increase the likelihood of referrals.  As is very eloquently brought up in this article by the The Real Estate Trainer, most business referrals often come from the promotion and exposure of the event rather than during the gathering itself.

This video also covers the different types of real estate client appreciation events that generate more referral business. Furthermore, it touches on how to promote them to maximize exposure and stay top of mind with your clients and referral sources.

Client Appreciation Events

I’ve been to client appreciation events held in professional offices, at a home, at restaurants/bars and in parks (i.e. family BBQ). I’ve also been to events that were co-sponsored by other professionals to help promote other businesses and share the cost burden.

Remember too, these events provide an opportunity for you to reach out to the people you know. You can do this many times, before and after the event, to stay top of mind.

Event Promotion

Because exposure of the event is paramount to a successful event, here are some examples they give on how to promote your client appreciation event:

  • Emails
    1. Save the Date email
    2. Event Invitation email
    3. Event Reminder email, and
    4. Post-Event “Thank You” email
  • Telephone Calls
    1. Event Invitation call
    2. Event Reminder call, and
    3. Event “Thank You” call
  • Group Texts
    1. Reminder Texts, and
    2. Post-Event “Thank You” texts
  • Mailings
    1. Event Invitation mailer, and
    2. Post-Event “Thank You” call
  • Facebook & Social Media
    1. Timeline Posts
    2. Create an Event Page and/or Group, and
    3. Direct Messages

After the Event

The follow-up and post-promotion is as important as important as the event itself. So, be sure to take lots of photos and videos at the event to post on social media.  These will also be useful for future events.

Finally, raffles and contests for prizes (often donated by referral partners or vendors) are also a great way to get attention. They can be promoted before, during and after the event.

The more promotional contacts you make increases the likelihood that people will refer you to the next person they know that needs your services.