Whether you’re a Realtor trying to model your business after the “big guys” in your industry or your a home buyer/seller looking to enlist the expertise of a Real Estate Agent, this article is of use.

For Realtors, as with Mortgage Brokers, the tendency is to model your business after a successful Realtor in the industry. Remember though, that those that appear to be successful and those that actually are, can be deceiving.

For those looking to buy or sell their home, finding a successful Realtor can give you a number of advantages. They are working with good brokerages who give them access to the tools they need to make your experience as seamless as possible. They typically have a larger number of listings and a larger number of clients that they are actively working with so whether you’re buying or selling, you could benefit. They also have established relationships with professionals in parallel industries (Mortgage Brokers, Lawyer, Home Inspectors etc.) and have already done the vetting for you so you know you’re in good hands.

6 Habits of Successful Realtors

There are a couple of things that were of particular note to me when I read the article. They are so simple, and one would think common sense, but you’d be surprised how many professional don’t understand basic etiquette.

While discussing technology, the writer mentions this: “you must keep in mind the basic manners of using technology. Answering phone calls and emails on time is an absolute must. The client should always feel that you are putting his/her best interests first.”

Does this not go without saying? But one thing I was taught when I worked retail to put myself through University is that the most important client is the one that is right in from of you! If your phone rings, and you drop them to answer that call, think about how that is going to make that client feel.

Of course, when clients ask for some time, or obviously want to look around on their own while you’re viewing a home, let them know you have a quick call to make. Nothing different from what anyone would expect if they were sitting in from of family, friend, or a professional whose services they are using.

The other quote I like is: They make sure that the client has no doubts about their authenticity.” I hear it so often that some Realtors are too “salesy” or just didn’t seem like people the client could do business with.

As a professional, even those of us with quirks (which I believe is everyone deep down), if you are your true self and relate to people on that level, the quirks become irrelevant. You can stay professional and allow who you are and how much you care to shine through and become that successful Realtor you’ve dreamed of.

So, again, whether you’re a Realtor, or someone in need of one, this list can help set you on the path to success as a Realtor or help you find a Realtor who is!

As I always say, I have the privilege of working with countless Realtors so if you’re looking for one, please let me know and I can help direct you to someone who will be a great fit for you.