Mistake #13: Location, Location, Location!

Did we mention location? Location is the key. The value of your home is affected by those around you. The home may be perfect, but look carefully at the neighbourhood too. No home is an island (usually) and the value is affected by the homes that surround it.

Factors determining the best location include:

1. Surrounding homes

The condition of other homes, including buildings and grounds.

2. Size Matters

The relative size of your potential home compared to the others. A small home surrounded by large ones may have taxes disproportionately high because of the neighbourhood.

3. Placement

The outer edge of an area is less desirable than being in the middle, surrounded by similar homes, except if the property borders woods, a park or other open space such as a golf course.

4. Best Buy

The least expensive home in the best area or in an area in transition is a best buy. You can buy low now to sell high later.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for mistake #14!

If you just can’t wait and you’d like to get the entire report revealing all 15 buyer mistakes, all in one shot, please visit my website.