You may not uncover a financial windfall when you’re cleaning the garage this spring, but a little time and attention to the task of spring cleaning your financial house can be very rewarding.

Are you continuously carrying a large monthly balance on your credit cards? This kind of financial clutter can be very costly.

Make a quick list of the interest you are being charged on your loans, credit cards or other unsecured debts. Next, take a look at our historically low mortgage rates. You have a golden opportunity right now to give yourself a tremendous financial boost.

By rolling your other debt into a mortgage you can reduce the number of payments you’re making each month, save big on interest costs, and greatly improve your monthly cash flow. You can start building wealth by funneling some of that cash flow back into your mortgage, or by investing in RRSPs, TFSAs, or RESPs.

Worried about penalties? Don’t think it can make much difference? Think again. If you have over $20,000 in unsecured debt, it’s worth taking the time to have your situation reviewed to see if you can benefit. I’m happy to outline all of your spring cleaning options!