Thorough planning is the key to an easy move.  Experience tells us most moves take 8 to 10 weeks from start to finish, so start early!

8 weeks before moving:
  • Contact moving companies or rental truck companies to get estimates
  • Take an inventory of your house. Decide what to move, sell, or donate. If you have unwanted or unneeded items consider a garage sale and set a date
  • Start a “move file” for all receipts, and papers related to your move
6 weeks before moving:
  • Book a moving company or rental truck company and arrange pick-up and delivery dates
  • Set schedules with real estate agents and / or landlords
  • If applicable, obtain copies of all banking, medical, dental, legal, accounting, and veterinarian records, or arrange to have them transferred
  • If you are moving to a new city, ask your attorney, doctor, and other providers for referrals
  • If you have children, arrange to transfer school records
4 weeks before moving:
  • Schedule disconnection dates for your old home with your local utility provider(s)
  • Schedule connection dates for your new home with the appropriate utility provider(s)
  • Cancel newspaper subscription and trash pickup effective on your move date
  • Check with your local post office for change of address information and forms, and complete request for mail forwarding effective your move date
  • Notify the necessary people, companies, and organizations of your new address (see below for whom to notify)
  • If you are using a professional mover to pack your belongings, schedule the packing day(s)
  • If you are packing yourself, ensure you have adequate boxes, packing materials and tape.
  • Arrange for short-term or long-term storage, if you need it
  • Advertise garage sale, or schedule pick-up or drop off if donating unneeded belongings to charity
3 weeks before moving:
  • Pack items that you will not need before your move (i.e. seasonal items)
  • If necessary, confirm final travel arrangements for family and pets
2 weeks before moving:
  • Continue to pack items that you will not need before your move
1 week before moving:
  • Continue to pack items that you will not need before your move
  • Clean out refrigerator and defrost freezer
  • Plan simple meals or order take-out food to avoid using the refrigerator
  • Confirm connection dates for services and utilities in your new home
  • If applicable, get all items from your safe deposit box
  • Gather important papers, records, and valuables to be packed
  • Notify friends and neighbours of new address and phone number if available
  • Make plans for young children to be cared for on moving day
  • Fill any necessary prescriptions, medications needed for the next two weeks
  • Carefully mark LAST BOX PACKED – FIRST BOX UNPACKED containing tools, shades, etc.
Moving Day:
  • Spend the entire day at home with the movers
  • Carry any valuables or family heirlooms with you, if possible
  • Just before the movers leave, take a final tour of your home.  Make sure nothing has been left in drawers or closets
  • Pick up cash for your trip and certified check for the mover’s invoice
  • Give the mover telephone number and address where you can be reached in your new town
  • As you leave, be sure all windows and doors are locked
Who to notify:
  • Services & Utilities: Water, Gas, Electricity, Phone – Land & Cellular, TV – Cable / Satellite, Internet 
  • Financial: Banks, Credit Cards, Employer
  • Insurance: Life Insurance, Property Insurance, Vehicle Insurance
  • Vehicle: Drivers License, Registration 
  • Professionals: Doctors, Dentist, Optometrist, Pharmacy, Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, Massage Therapist, Lawyer, Financial Advisor, Accountant 
  • Provincial: AB Health Insurance 
  • Federal: CRA 
  • Memberships: AMA, COSTCO, AIR MILES, Loyalty Programs, Gym / Health Club, Professional Associations, Other Memberships 
  • Other:Friends and Family, Library, Schools, Church, Daycare 
  • Subscriptions:Newspapers, Magazines